As the name suggests, the original use of the glass-works pallet is in the glass-works industry. These flush pallets are still proving their worth today with their high load capacity. These pallets are also recommended in other branches of industry with heavy products and higher payload requirements than usual. The glass factory pallets are used in some industries with similar production as returnable pallets (exchangeable pallets); in other industries the glass factory pallet is considered a disposable pallet.

name standard T5
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
load capacy high
standard developed by glass-works industry
use exchange pallet in similar industries, otherwise disposable pallet

Mechanical drawing

name standard T128
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
load capacy high
standard developed by glass-works industry
use exchange pallet in similar industries, otherwise disposable pallet

Mechanical drawing

name VMF standard
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
load capacy high
standard developed by glass-works industry
use France

Mechanical drawing

name England
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
load capacy high
standard developed by glass-works industry
use England

Mechanical drawing

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