In the wake of climate change and the associated CO2 emissions, a sensible and respectful use of forests and wood is more important than ever to improve the life cycle assessment. Only through the systematic use of wood as a renewable resource can forest owners generate yields that make it attractive to preserve the forest.

Our aim is to transform wood from sustainable, local forestry into ecologically sound products. Consequently, the forest can be used economically. In addition, wood as a naturally renewable raw material is particularly environmentally friendly.

We use soft woods of certain strength classes (here to the hardening) from predominantly native forests. Thanks to the three sawmill locations; we keep the environmental impact low as transport routes are short. Every part of the logs used is used. The main part of a log section is processed into sawn timber.

The resulting sawn by-products such as sawdust, wood chips and bark are used in the company's own combined heat and power plant to generate heat for operating the kilns and heating the production halls. All the portions that we do not need ourselves are sold to the trade, the engineered wood industry and pulp production.

Our finished pallets also fit into the material cycle of the wood without any problems, because they are not chemically treated and therefore completely recyclable.

Our factory buildings, offices and all other energy consumers are also certified to the DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 energy management system.

In our wood processing, therefore, ecology and economy are not at all contradictory, but rather mutually dependent.

CO² Benefit of Wood Pallets
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