The chemical pallets were originally developed by the chemical industry as their uniform pallet standard. The different types have been created based on the load, for example for barrels or big packs. Most chemical pallets have indented blocks, which makes it easier to stretch the film around the pallet and load.

The chemical pallets must comply with the specifications of the German Chemical Industry Association (Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V.). (VCI) in Germany and those of the Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (APME).

Our employees will be happy to help you find out which chemical range is suitable for your application.

> Technical specifications for chemical pallets

name CP1
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container­ loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP2
dimension 800 x 1200 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP3
dimension 1140 x 1140 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP4
dimension 1100 x 1300 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP5
dimension 760 x 1140 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP6
dimension 1000 x 1200 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP7
dimension 1300 x 1100 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP8
dimension 1140 x 1140 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

name CP9
dimension 1140 x 1140 mm
standard VCI / APME
use Chemical industry, container loading

Mechanical drawing

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